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God’s Steadfast Love and His Mercies: My Portion


I remember when I first got saved back in the 80’s, we sang a lot of songs that were scriptural.  Not that the songs we sing today are not anointed and packed with scriptures but when it comes to singing about God’s love and His mercies, we do not need any additives. The word of God is powerful, captivating, anointed, and so full of hope, that it draws you into a place that reveals the very nature and heart of God... (Ps.33:8 NKJV) These were the kind of songs that pulled me back from my wanderings, anchored my soul, kept me close, supported me through a divorce, the death of two sons, my mother, father, sisters, and brothers. I will never be able to find this type of love anywhere else. 

So, I often go back to this song time and time again, even when I am feeling discouraged, lonely, disconnected, left out, or just out of a grateful heart. I go to my place of worship, raise my voice unto the Lord, and let it all go. There the Father draws me close to Himself and reminds me of His love and great mercies. Even as I am writing this devotion, I am sensing the anointing of the Lord. Ok. Here is the song--The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning, Great is thy faithfulness O Lord, Great is thy faithfulness.

Wow! Who would not want to receive or accept this type of love? It is free and full of mercy. If you mess up, there is always grace and space to make things right. Let us look at the scripture where this song first originated… (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV). The Bible states, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” 


Let us examine the word steadfast a little closer. This word means dutifully firm and unwavering, loyal, firmly, fixed, immovable, and not subject to change. These synonyms are all powerful words that can and are used to describe our amazing God. 


Why does this type of love matter? As I have sung this song over the years, I have experienced some highs and some lows in my life, but I have come to realize why this type of love matters to me. Here are few of my reasons that I learned along the way:

  • Salvation is provided for all mankind. Its free! You do not have to do anything for it. Nothing—just accept it by faith.

  • Jesus died for all sinners. I do not know anyone who would die for me without asking themselves why? But while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me. (Romans 5:8 NKJV) He did not need any other reason. Love governed His decision.

  • The Holy Spirit came to not only assist believers but to indwell them and draw them back to God through Jesus by faith. I needed all the help I could get. So having the Spirit of God living in me to lead and guide me over years has kept me. (John 14:26, 1 Cor. 3:16 NKJV)

  • Because of the mercies of God, you and I are not consumed. (Lam. 3:22 NKJV) If it were not for God…. where would I be?

  • The devil cannot ruin our lives because of the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross. This is one of my favorites. Regardless of my faults, and my failures, I have been given another opportunity to get it right. I do not have to die in my sins. (Colossians 1:13-14 NKJV)

  • God is unchanging and unchangeable. You see it does not matter how others feel about you—man’s opinion will NEVER, EVER, change how God feels about you. I finally came to this reality…. God loves me and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change His mind about me. He loves me! (Rom. 8:35-39 NKJV)


Over the years, the Holy Spirit has given me these nuggets of wisdom and insight into the Lord’s steadfastness and faithfulness. As you read this devotion and the study the Bible references, I pray the Holy Spirit would open the eyes of your understanding to the great love and endless mercy of our Father God, also.  Remember, I said no additives because none will be needed!


Before I close this devotion, I would be remiss if I did not mention Lamentations 3: 24---“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Another version of this same verse (Lam. 24) says it like this, I say to myself, (not to anyone else, my words) “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” When I think about portion, I think about a part of something or an inheritance. So, I asked the Lord what is my part? What is my inheritance?  You see, God is whatever you need--peace in the time of trouble, healing when you are sick, wholeness when your life is falling apart, comfort after the death of a loved one, a mother, a father, a doctor, or lawyer, whatever part you need, He is and will be. However, you must know and recognize what part of Him you need for yourself. You must know that when Jesus died on the cross, resurrected on the third day, we became heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17, KJV) This is where our inheritance comes in. This is what has qualified us to be adopted into God's family and a rightful partaker of everything that belongs to Him.


Remember the account of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34 NKJV). Well, she needed healing, so she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and found her part, her inheritance. What a beautiful depiction of someone coming into the realization of their need for a Savior and everything He has to offer. This woman did not need to be anointed or prayed for, she recognized her part, seized the opportunity, and would not let it go. She had found her Portion in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The question now is what will you do about God’s endless love, His boundless mercies, and overwhelming faithfulness? Will you accept Him or reject Him? Hopefully, you will find that part of Him that you need for yourself and like the woman with issue of blood, you will hold on tight and allow God, your God, to help you. 

Pray with me: Father in heaven, I love you. Please help me to remember that your steadfast love never ends, Your mercies are new every morning, and your faithfulness are great! Thank you for displaying this amazing steadfast love through Jesus on the cross. When you should have judged me, You offered me Your tender mercies and grace instead. Because of this, I can wake up every morning completely free of the guilt and shame which comes as a result of sin. I can live as a brand-new person because I am supported by Your love and held securely by Your mercies. I now understand You as my Portion and my inheritance. Lord, with a grateful heart, I worship you. To you, I ascribe all the glory and the honor that is due Your name forever and ever! (Ps. 29:2 NIV) Amen


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