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Physical Health

The most simple, yet most underrated form of exercise is walking. There are numerous health benefits to walking. Walking can prevent weight gain, improve cardiac health, and it alleviates depression. It improves fitness, endurance, and blood circulation. A walking program or regimen has both physical and mental benefits. A good walk is so beneficial for getting inside your own head as it opens up a free flow of ideas and creativity and provides “ah-ha!” moments.

As you begin your quest towards better physical health and well-being, couple your efforts with a few other commitments to healthier habits. As simple as it sounds, drink more water,

eliminate and or limit salt and sugar, replace a dessert with a

piece of fruit If you don’t want to commit to quitting all junk

food all at once then try eliminating one junk food item per

week.  Notice that this all goes back to discipline and

committing to discipline. You can do this, one day at a day

and one commitment at a time. You’ve got this.


Exercise is so important to the physical health of the body but let’s face it, when we were kids being active was not so much of a chore as it is now as an adult. Most of us lack the discipline it takes to become physically active and maintain a much needed exercise regimen. We are busy and we can’t seem to find the time and the motivation. But if you look back at the word discipline, it is the key to being successful in any area of your life.


We find it easier to meet the demands of job, career, and family than it is to commit to disciplining ourselves to make exercise part of our daily lives. We will find many reasons and excuses for not being able to exercise. The interesting thing is that we are always moving. You being physically active and getting exercise does not have to involve a gym membership or the purchase of expensive exercise equipment. Before beginning any exercise regimen, you should always consult with your healthcare provider and have a physical examination.

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