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Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

“And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39


Sometimes it takes a traumatic event to bring people of different backgrounds together. The tragedy of George Floyd put a lot of people on their backs and they didn’t know exactly where to go with it.  But one thing it did was bring people together.  It brought a meeting of the minds to the same conclusion that all of us matters.  


No one had to verbally say I love you.  Their actions were evident that they cared. The fact that people were willing to walk together not just in the USA but in other countries as well said something about what we perceive a neighbor is to be.  Seeing a need and responding to it is a demonstration of loving your neighbor.  Too often we have walked by people in need.  Too often we have been walked pass, by those who could help but chose not to.  


Love does not mean you have to give away all of your possessions, but love is a moral obligation.  We are commanded to love one another.  Most of the people who walked together, around the world in protest did not know one another.  A neighbor is someone willing to come together with you, not necessarily someone you know.  This is what loving others as yourself means.  What would you want others to do for you?  What would you do for yourself if capable?  


Love is a virtue, meaning it is of the highest standards.  How do you love yourself?  Most look for love among others.  We fall in love in hopes that something good will come out of it.  We look for someone to sustain us, make us feel happy, and worthy.  But the scripture says to love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:39)


To care for oneself with the highest standard is to be mindful of yourself.  You are careful of who and what you allow into your presence.  This is not an arrogant attitude, this is wisdom.  When you love yourself, you protect yourself, feed yourself, nurture, support, increase, control, and teach yourself. Other than God, you should know yourself better than anyone else.  You don’t allow others to say just anything about you or over you.  You don’t allow people to take you for granted or dictate what they should expect from you.  You show them what they are to expect.  You show them how they are to treat you.  You be the one who determines how others will treat you.  All of this is a demonstration of you loving yourself.


With all of this said, you also know what is in you.  When we are able to face what’s truly in us, we can better show love for God, ourselves and love for others.  Love is of God (see 1 Jn. 4:7).  Jesus said we are to love God with all of our hearts, souls and our minds and that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  (See Matt. 22:37-39)  This is all a part of our inner being. Real love starts from within. 


To love God is to love ourselves for we are made in His image.  To love ourselves is to love God and others for it is hard to love others if you can’t love yourself.  The Bible says one who says he loves God but hates his brother is a liar. (Ref. 1 John 4:20)  We were created to love one another.  


My sisters and my brothers, love God and love yourself.  Love yourself so you can also love others.  Remember love does not have to be material or physical. It may simply be a kind word or perhaps a pat on the back with a warm and fuzzy hug…


or, it could be just a walk. 



Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. (Matthew 5:41)


Be blessed, 


Minister Jackie

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