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The Way


There was a woman who made very little attempt to get to know God. She sought, what she thought was, a safe space regarding God. She thought that if she did not acknowledge Him either way, she would be safe. She would not say He was real, and she would not say He wasn’t real. Here’s the irony in this. She wanted to go to heaven. She said, “If God really loves me He won’t let me go to hell”. I said to her, God does love you, and He does not want you to go to hell, but He leaves that choice up to you. To deny Christ is a destiny leading to hell, but to acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior is your ticket into heaven. I then asked her, why would you want to go to heaven if you don’t believe in Jesus? After all He sits on the throne next to God the Father. At that, she had no answer.


Jesus Christ is real and God, His Father is real. Salvation is a life or death matter. Jesus made it clear when He said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (Ref. John 14:6) Anyone wanting to get to heaven, has to go through the Son. There is no relationship with God the Father unless there is one with the Son. Jesus gave His life for you and for me.

That blood stained cross was meant for His harm but turned out to be for our good. Jesus dying on the cross gave us a way out of the bondage of sin. And it also became our only way of reconciliation to the Father.

Won’t you choose His way? God loved you so much that He gave the very best He could; His
only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. All He asks is that you first believe. Yes it requires making a
choice, but you get to choose. Your first choice could be your access to the throne of grace also known to some as the throne of God. You choose. Jesus is the way.

Be blessed,
Min. Jackie

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