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New Beginnings


March is a month known for many interesting things such as Lent, the period of 40 days leading up to Easter including the death of Jesus the Christ.   As we take this time to focus on the events that took place and the realization that this is the foundation that led to a sacrifice that can never be repaid, we give up something knowing there is no comparison to the life that Jesus gave up.  But in honor of His sacrifice, we too offer up a sacrifice.  Let your sacrifice be between you and God.

There is also International Women’s day, the day that we celebrate ourselves and other women for our successes, while increasing support for ongoing efforts to be better, achieve better, and be treated better if not completely equal. And of course the popular St. Patrick’s Day.  We were taught to celebrate this day when we were kids whether we were Irish or not.  I looked forward to wearing my green to school.  Remember to wear your green on the 17th or someone might pinch you. But March is also known for the arrival of spring.  Spring is the beginning of a new season.  That’s right, it’s a new season.  This is not the same spring we had 12 months ago. This is brand new.  Pause for a moment and think about that.  

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.  

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  Isaiah 43:18-19

This is what the Lord said to Jacob and the children of Israel.  I believe this is what God is saying to us today.  We have gone through so much in what already seems like a lifetime.  Some things I never thought I would see and hope we never have to see or go through again.  


Prayerfully we are coming out of this pandemic called COVID.  Some have gone through sickness, death, and loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, finances, homes, and more.  But we’re still here.  The question is what will you do with your new season?  Will you go back to doing things the same old way?  Will you go back to being the same old person with the same old attitude?  Or will you go after God and the new thing?

Let’s talk about what it means to be new.  New has never been done before.  You will not or should not repeat what you did last spring.   Even if it was a great spring, hopefully this spring will be greater.  There will be new things added.  There will be new growth. 


We have the perfect example from our Father who is on high.  The Bible states that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)   Then God examined what He had.  He saw that the earth was lacking some things.  But He did not through it away.  He made it like new.  He began to add to it.  First He called forth light. (Genesis 13)   Light gives vision.  


Have you asked God for vision in your life, marriage, family, career, etc.?   Have you asked Him which way you should go?  Why not, He has the answer.  Why do we do the same things over and over again?  Because we’ve heard the term, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.  Guess what, there is nothing wrong with improvement.  As we look at what God did in Genesis chapter one, we see nothing but progression.  If we’re not improving and progressing what are we doing?

It’s a new season.  If you are a gardener, one of the things we do is prepare the soil for the next planting.  We turn that soil over.  Sometimes we add new soil and fertilizer because we want the soil to be right for a new crop.  You see we know how to prepare and go after newness.  So let us be the soil.  We’re going to get our hearts ready for the new things God wants to do in and through us.  We have never been this way before, so let’s prepare.

Forget the former things.  Stop thinking about how you used to do things, who you used to do them with, or where you used to be.  That season has passed.  Leave the deadness of the past behind.  Take hold of what you have learned and use it for fuel; so that you can progress and move forward.  


 Stop thinking about “remember when”.  This is living in the past.  And to be honest this is a form of bondage.  The enemy wants to keep us in the past to keep us from moving forward.  It is old stuff and our closets are full of it.  Get rid of it.  Don’t even consider keeping it.  


Look to God for the new thing.  Ask Him to help you to prepare your heart, mind, soul, and spirit.  After all Jesus said we are to love the Lord our God with all these parts of our being.  (Matthew 22:37) 


Know that a new thing is coming.  It is a good thing for it is in the word of God.  Every day He created, He examined it and saw that His creations (new things) were all good.  Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)

God has set the perfect example for us.  Just as He is the Creator, He has given us His children gifts, talents, ideas, and creativity.  You can have newness in your life if you choose too.  Start within yourself.  Make up your mind to go after God and new things each and every new day.  Yesterday has passed.  Today is a new day.  God is doing a new thing.  


Be blessed, 

Minister Jackie, WoG

March 1, 2022

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